• Auditoria energética Barcelona

    Audtirías energéticas

The energy audits in Barcelona are an excellent optionEnergy audits in Barcelona are one of the methods you can resort to in case you want to make energy consumption more efficient in your company, office or even in your home.

At Enerflux we can help you so that you can have access to energy efficiency audits Barcelona, so you can reduce the costs of energy consumption in your home or business.

Energy Audits in Barcelona with Enerflux

What are the areas of study when performing an energy audit in Barcelona?

As this is an energy auditIn general, all equipment that consumes energy, especially those that are known to consume a large amount of energy, are usually evaluated. Some of these equipments are:

  • Heating. They are usually one of the equipment that consume the most electricity, although they tend to be indispensable in the coldest seasons in winter, it is important to evaluate that the consumption is efficient and that there are no significant losses.
  • Air conditioning. It is one of the most used equipment in the hottest summer dates, so energy consumption rises for these times, hence the importance of evaluating that the operation and consumption of the equipment is optimal.
  • Sanitary hot water. Water heaters are usually one of the most energy-consuming equipment in homes, so a failure in them can lead to higher consumption and, therefore, increase the cost of the utility bill.
  • Lighting. The energy consumption of this type of circuits will depend on the structure and type of luminaires being used. The energy audit can help you identify which luminaires are best for you.

These are usually the main equipment to be studiedHowever, other factors are also taken into account, such as: the building envelope, pool heating systems, industrial processes, and the possibility of installing renewable energies.

In addition, energy audits in Barcelona take into account the management problems, service/comfort problemsThe energy audits in Barcelona also take into account management problems, service/comfort problems and even the regulation of timetables, schedules and slogans.

Why is it important to have an energy audit in Barcelona?

It is important to resort to an energy audit in BarcelonaThe information you can obtain from it is very important and can be used to improve the energy performance of a home, building or even a company. By resorting to an energy audit in Barcelona you obtain:

  • Information on current consumption. By using an energy audit you obtain a report or study on the current energy consumption in the establishment.
  • Energy savings evaluations. Energy audits allow an assessment of energy savings to be made, thus presenting data that can be used in an achievable proposal.
  • Proposals for improvements, evaluation of pros and cons. With the information from the audits, proposals for improvements are prepared because an evaluation is made of the pros and cons of the systems installed and those that can be installed.
  • Financing methods and grants. By knowing what changes you can make to improve your energy consumption, you can find out about access to financing plans and even some subsidies.

One of the main advantages of implementing the changes recommended in the energy audits is that savings of between 20% and 30% can be obtained. with payback times of less than 5 years. In fact, there are cases where savings of up to 50% can be achieved.

What are the phases that are carried out in the energy audits in Barcelona?

Energy audits in Barcelona are usually carried out through different phasesIdeally, this should be done in this way in order to obtain real information about the building to be evaluated and its consumption. Some of the phases that are usually applied are:

  • Gathering information. At this stage, the aim is to gather as much information as possible, including climatological data, year of construction of the facility to be evaluatedThe building and its installations, written and graphic documents of the building, such as: plans, descriptive reports. In addition to the number of people occupying the building and the schedules of energy use, energy bills, among other details.
  • Visit to the property. In this phase, the state of the building is evaluated, carrying out tests that provide information on: coincidence of the current state of the building with that of the plans, observing the habits of the users who consume energy, data collection and measurements. with different devices such as thermometers, hygrometers, among others.. In addition, the voltage, power and active energy of the electrical system and its networks are measured; additionally, the lighting data of the building, house or company is taken into account using lux meters.
  • Energy performance analysis. In this case, an evaluation and analysis of electricity consumption is made; in this case, factors such as tariff periods, tariffs by zones and periods, annual, daily and even hourly consumption are taken into account. In addition, an assessment is made as to whether the contracted tariff is the most appropriate. This analysis is important because through this energy problems are identified.
  • Proposals for improvement. Once the energy consumption faults have been identified, the best options and techniques for the establishment to reduce energy consumption are described. can reduce energy consumption of different typesall through equipment and connections that allow for optimum performance. Sometimes consumer equipment is divided into groups such as air renewal, air conditioning, construction, enclosures, among others.
  • Economic viability. Once the proposals have been made, an economic evaluation is made, in which some possible improvements that can be applied to the facility are established in order to make it more energy efficient. In general, a study of the investment cost and energy savings is carried outto give a detailed report to the customer.
  • Culmination of the report. This report establishes the objectives of the audit, the physical and technical characteristics of the building, and the measurements taken, measurement tools used in the auditThe results of the audit, improvements and energy consumption.

Enerflux and energy audits in Barcelona

If you have already decided to have an energy audit in Barcelona, do not hesitate to contact us!

In Enerflux we have 10 years of experience in energy engineering. in energy engineering, so we have the experience and trained personnel to make the evaluations you need either to your home, building or company.

In addition, we can offer you personalized attentionso that you can clarify any doubts you may have about the different services we have available for you.

Don’t think twice! Contact us at

We also offer our energy audit service in Reus, Riudomsand Barcelona.