• <h1>Solar panels Reus</h1>

    Instalacion de placas solares Tarragona

Now is possibly the best time to install solar panels in Reus. This alternative energy is increasingly traditional and less alternative, since it offers a large number of benefits for its users and for the world in general. It is about taking advantage of a resource that is abundant and has no limits.

It has become a great option both if you want to replace part of your electrical energy and if you want to do it completely. It can become your energy supplier whether it’s for a small house or if what you want is to get energy for a neighborhood building or a business.

Installation of photovoltaic panels and energy storage

Why is it profitable to install solar panels?

The solar panels They are an investment, which for many could be substantial, but in recent years, the price of materials and labor has dropped a lot. This is partly because new ways of doing the installation have been achieved that will save costs. So it would be ideal to take advantage of the lowest prices to have this system.

In addition, after installing solar energy, the house can produce its own electrical energy, which is known as self-consumption. With this system you can save up to 70% of traditional energy consumption, which will significantly reduce the cost of the electricity bill. And on the other hand, this type of energy will give you a return of up to 15%.

On the other hand, the authorities are encouraging the use of solar energy by facilitating the installation process. For example, the self-consumption right is now recognized and no tax is imposed for the installation of the system.

Likewise, many municipalities offer reductions in some taxes if they have solar energy systems installed, this is because energy efficiency is improved. Achieving in this way that more people feel attracted to this type of energy.

And the best thing about this is that the quality of the materials that are used in the installation of solar panels is always greater. Because these can last many years, even decades in operation. You recover the investment in a short time with the energy savings, which means that it is even more profitable to have this type of energy.

Do you need permits to install solar panels?

To be able to count on photovoltaic solar energy in Reus it is important to have permission from the town hall. It is important that you have the CIE, electrical installation certificate, which tells the town hall that you have a solar panel installation. This must be registered so that you can benefit from self-consumption.

In addition, you can register your installation in the self-consumption modality with accommodation surpluses for compensation, with which you can receive a refund for the surpluses poured into the network. But for that, you must sign the surplus compensation contract. These are the two permits you must apply for in order to install solar panels in Reus.

Components of the solar energy installation

It is important that before deciding to install a solar energy system, you know very well what the components are and what installation will entail. In this way you will be prepared for the work that will be done. In addition, if you will place a system at home you must understand a little how it works.

The following are the main components of a solar energy system:

Photovoltaic panels

This is the main component of a solar energy installation, since they are responsible for receiving this energy and transforming it into electrical energy. These are large solar panels that are placed in a place where there is a good amount of sun. They are made up of high quality crystals. These have a useful life of 25 years, enough time to recover the investment.


This is a very relevant component, since it will depend on whether the energy produced by the system can be used. It produces continuous energy, and the inverter converts it into alternating energy that can be used in a home. The useful life of this component is 10 years.


The battery is also very important, because it would allow you to use the solar energy system in the hours when there is no light. The battery is responsible for storing the excess energy and saving it for when energy cannot be produced.

Motorization system

The sun moves, so it will not always affect the panels correctly. So the motorization system allows you to move the panels as the sun moves so that you always have the best incidence of them.


The structure is all the support where the solar energy system is mounted. These must also be of high quality, since they will be exposed to the weather and the elements could damage it. In addition, this will allow the system to capture the greatest amount of solar energy.

How much does it cost to install solar energy in Reus?

The most accurate answer to this question is, it depends. There are several factors that can make the investment to count on this type of energy vary. On the one hand, it can depend on the type of housing that you want to supply, because this style could determine the type of installation needed.

It will also depend on the consumption of the home, since not all people have the same consumption and will not need the same installation. Depending on the size of the system could be the amount of energy it will produce.

In addition, the system may have a higher or lower cost in proportion to the place where it is installed and the materials that decide to use it. For example, there are higher quality materials that last longer, but also cost more.

Taking into account these factors, it could be said that there are many things that can vary the final price of solar panels. That’s why it’s important that if you’re thinking of including solar panels in your home or business, contact us so we can advise you and find the best option for you.

Install your solar panel in Tarragona with Enerflux

We are experts in energy for individuals and companies. We offer solutions adapted to your needs so that you can start the energy transition. If you have questions or want to know more, we will be happy to help you so you can enjoy your solar panels now.